Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What can we learn from Cookie?

So we're caring for Cookie, our neighbor's guinea pig, while they're at Disney. And already, we are learning lessons that will likely help us in some small way with the adjustment that comes with adding more children to our family.

First thing this morning, Ella excitedly ran to Cookie's cage and wanted to hold him. But every time she reached for him, he ran into his little play tunnel where he couldn't be touched.

"Well this isn't working out very well," she said. "He won't even let me pet him."

"Perhaps he's afraid," I explained.  "He's adjusting to new sounds, new smells, new surroundings...give him a little time to get used to it here and I'm sure it will get better. He's got a lot of new stuff around him and he might just need some time and space. It doesn't mean he doesn't like you or that he doesn't like it here."

"Yeah," she replied. "And he's probably missing his mommy, too. Brooklyn's his mom and her voice is different and so is her room."

I can't help but think the Lord has arranged this teaching moment just to help prepare us all for the transitions that lie in our future. How graceful and merciful the Lord is to give us simple ways to learn lessons and to prepare our hearts and our children's hearts for what is yet to come!

Obviously, bringing our new kiddos home will be much bigger than a little guinea pig. But I'm thankful for the blessings, both large and small, of preparation.

We'll continue to learn more each day that will help us all prepare for the adjustments of growing our family.

Even from little Cookie.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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