Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A mouthful

How is it that Kolby went from one little tooth barely sticking through to practically a mouthful overnight?!? 

Just this morning, I counted 3 teeth up top and one poking through on the bottom!  In the midst of the chaos of our home these days (it seems everyone is passing sickness around), it's so sweet to have quiet moments with him, even if it's just a second on the changing table, feeling his gums... he just grins at me with those big cheeks and sucks on my finger as I feel for teeth. 

Lord, please let me hold tight to these moments, especially as the days get busier and the challenges come more intensely throughout the day.  And keep me aware of every moment like this with each of my children, so that I might cherish all the special times that could so quickly pass without my noticing.  It's often easy to forget what a blessing each of my children is-- so please help me to slow down and appreciate the moments.  In Jesus' name, Amen.