Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Yard sale "flea market" 2013

I'm excited to report that our older daughter, Mihret, has been CLEARED for travel by the US Embassy!  We are eagerly awaiting the same clearance for our younger daughter, Birtukan.  We are praying for a "CASE CLEARED" email this week and would love for you to join us in this prayer!  We will travel to bring them home as soon we receive the second clearance from our gov't to do so.

While we wait and pray, we continue to fundraise.  As you may know, we are holding another INDOOR FLEA MARKET-style YARD SALE in less than 2 weeks.  Our church leadership has graciously allowed us to use the building again, and we have been collecting donations from friends, family, and strangers for the past couple of months.  A HUGE THANKS to those of you who have so generously given items towards our yard sale!  We are AGAIN OVERWHELMED at the sheer volume of donations we've received already!  And even more amazing is the QUALITY of the items we've received!  We have nursery furniture, children's clothing and toys, living room furniture (couches, loveseats, wing chairs, recliners AND occassional tables with plenty of lamps!), household decorations, seasonal decor (Christmas, Halloween, Easter, etc.), bedroom furniture (including mattresses, bed frames and dressers,) exercise equipment, loads of adult clothing (including name-brand women's and men's clothing), computer desks, school desks, household appliances, kitchenwares..... the list literally goes on and on and on!!

PLEASE mark your calendars for FRIDAY, MARCH 15 (5p-8p) and SATURDAY, MARCH 16 (8a-2p).  WE NEED YOUR HELP SPREADING THE WORD!!!  All this stuff is only going to sell if the Lord provides the BUYERS!!  Please, print the attachment and share with your friends, neighbors, work associates, and school mates.  Forward this email to everyone on your contact list.  Share on facebook with your contacts there.  We are praying that the Lord will provide the increase again this year, as He did last year.

We also need help setting up!  All these items are currently packed (quite literally!) into our garage and overflowing into other's garages.  We'll be taking all the items to our church building next THURSDAY, MARCH 14 at 6:30.  We will be unloading, sorting and organizing that evening at 7pm, and pick up sorting/organizing again Friday morning.  If you are available ANY TIME Thursday night, Friday or Saturday, WE'D LOVE YOUR HELP!!!  We were SO BLESSED last year with many hands, and we never would have been able to pull off such a huge event without so many hands and feet helping!  We thank God daily for the people He has put in our lives who have walked with us on our adoption journey! 

If you're able to help Thursday night, Friday or Saturday, please let me know.  I'm starting to get butterflies thinking about how it's all going to go down, but I'm trusting that God has another great event in store for our family and He'll again provide more hands and feet to help provide the harvest!

You cannot ever know this side of Heaven how truly thankful we are for each person who has shared in our story.  This adoption, adding to our family, bringing our girls home-- it NEVER could have happened without the help of so many of you!  So again, my heartfelt thanks for all your love, prayers, support and encouragement over the past year!!



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