Don't you love it when a plan comes together, better than you could have ever expected or imagined? When some close friends of ours told us they were getting rid of most of their possessions and moving to the mission field in the Middle East, our passing comment was, "What if you know some people that need to raise some funds for an adoption." Their response: get some trucks.
From there we started filling our garage with the generous donations of friends, family and even some relatively minor acquaintances. Once our 2 and 1/2 car garage was as full as it could get, we started feeling that this event might be okay. Little did we know that we were only about halfway to collecting all that everybody wanted to donate to us.
While the donations were awesome that wasn't even close to the best part. Our friend Beau summed it up best with his comments to me. He said "I've been involved in several churches in my day, but I have never seen a church get involved so passionately in something like I witnessed this weekend." I couldn't even begin to name all the people that pitched in to help our cause with their precious time and hard work. There was furniture to move, donations to haul, thousands of items to clean, sort and tag, customers to attend to, clean up afterwards and much, much more.
Jen and I feel strongly that we have been called by God to adopt these kids. It sure is great knowing that we have so many people to pitch in, support and pray for us on this journey. There is no way we can do this alone. Fortunately, we know that we don't have to.
The question over the last several days has been, "So how was it?" Meaning, how much did you raise? The final total isn't quite ready yet, but it's looking like around $7,400. God is big.
Thanks to all who are walking this journey with us. It takes a village you know.